Friday, August 2, 2013

Interview with a Royal Story Group Admin by MDG

  • Ok, so here I am goofing around and getting all creative when I see a Royal Story game group admin going crazy putting up links, answering questions and being awesome. I inboxed her, and grabbed her to do a quick interview!
  • Today
  • 5:48am
    Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    Hi Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook: Glad to see there's people helping other people
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    Me too:)
    and thanks for all the great work you are doing too:)
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    Shoot, all i did was create a few file folders like you would on a computer. If I could get a list of the missions IN ORDER - and it's hard to get. OMG, I asked developers for a list and it's been a PAIN.
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    That would be great...i didn't think when i loaded all the quests to put them in order...duh, lol:)
    Hope they give you a list:)
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    me too, there's a group of us that could write a book on Royal story and the best groups COMPILE that data, sharing it with others, which is why the internet was created in the first place.
    basically a good facebook group is like a forum should be, but fun plus' forum is kinda boring
    I would love to publish this conversation on my blog. May I if I change your name?
    I'd like to interview you briefly for my magazine
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    Yes I've had a look there, lol. I have seen other people advertise their groups in the fun + and would you know how to do that as I haven't figured it out yet, lol. Yes that would be ok and ok for interview too:)
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    ugh, some groups are just awful. do you know just last week i was BANNED PERMANENTLY from a group? I can't even see it to rejoin it, lol
    Me sweetheart that I am
    the reason i helped out is because the other admins work so hard
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    Some people are just plain stupid, lol.
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    well true, hahahaha
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    it was over someone being upset with MY POINT OF VIEW in another group.
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    Everyone is entitled to share their point of view:)
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    yeah, but sometimes i'm a little bit MEAN.
    i usually have it coming
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    oh well that's just you and if people can't handle it they should bugger off, rotflmao:)
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    Do you ever sometimes feel when you are helping a newbie that "Ughhhh... I HATE NEWBIES" feeling?
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    No, lol...I quite enjoy it as I once was a Newbie and I appreciated the help I got:)
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    omg, I get so frustrated sometimes, haha. You're a blessing.
    "When A Valuable Group Member said she was going on vacation, what did you think to yourself?"
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    haha. You are too with all the work you have/are doing. You must be on the computer nearly 24/7
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    My business is online, so I work all the time. I also play rs to take breaks during work ::)
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    I missed that one I read another one going on vacation. I would think if someone was going on vacation hope they have a great one. Ahhh business online no wonder you are on lots. good idea to play during breaks in work. I'm an at home Nana and I am quite addicted to the computer, lol
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    "When A Valuable Group Member said she was going on vacation, I thought OMG, what are we gonna use for links around here. What did you think to yourself?"
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    Oh...I'm tired with moving house etc and never gave it a thought to be honest but oh darn...there are others that help too so that is good and she probably deserves a great break...we will just have to soldier on:)
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    I think she's awesome. She posts link like she gets PAID for them!
    I WISH we could get paid for them
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    lol...I agree, she is doing an awesome job...she not only post links in our group but in others also. That would be cool to get paid for putting links up:)
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    Wow...that would be awesome...I'd buy my dream house. In the country but overlooking the sea, with an orchard and a cattery. I'd share my wealth with my family and friends too:)
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    omg, a cattery??? I can't even visit you, as I'm allergic to cats!!!
    Is that what I think it is??
    omg it IS what I though it was. I had to Google that, ha ha ha
    That's cool though? How many cats are usually IN a cattery?
    Do you take only cats or small dogs as well??
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    Oh bum...I love cats. We had 14 cats till recently, lol. We fostered kittens from our local vets and fell in love with most of them so kept them, so they added to the cats we had. I have just adopted out 11 of them, now we only have 3. Now I'm not known as the OLD CAT LADY, haha. I don't know how many cats are in a cattery, depends how many people go away on holidays and book their cats in for a stay. We did foster 2 amazing puppies for a few months, hard work, puppies, but they were so cute. I don't have a cattery but if I had a lot of money I would love to build one.
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    I'd just take cats:)
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    lol...My youngest son had 3 dogs, at separate times because he wanted a dog and I was always the one that looked after them. I suppose I'm just a cat person and as you say an elitist, lol:)
    Well, I must away to RS as time is ticking on and I must go to bed soon as I'm tired. Has been lovely chatting to you and we will chat again asap:)
  • Morgana NightwolfDarkgoddess

    I'm glad you gave me the time. Thanks
  • Admin of a Royal Story group on Facebook:

    You are most welcome Morgana:) Anytime:)

    See, I told you she was awesome. 