Thursday, August 22, 2013


I was having a dream about the zombie apocalypse (I always have to spell check the word even though I use it so much, lol) and while it wasn't blood and gore, it was telling the story of three people. It started from the beginning and focused on their own personal journey of right and wrong, what they would do when faced with certain situations and at what point does a child, a teen, and a man move up to the next stage in their development as a HUMAN being. If it isn't a tv series, it should be a movie :) I lit it beautifully and casted shadows in all the right places. It made me feel for the people involved although I didn't know them. We all have to go through points where we have to make decisions that are beyond us. How we deal with them, how we step up - almost literally STEPPING UP - makes us grow and connect and become better than we are. In our own ways, we are all heroes.