Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Show a little restraint? Not a problem.

This past twelve hours, I've been through a wide range of emotions. It's leaving me drained, but since I have something to talk about, here I am.

Yes, those are rope marks on my wrists, which after all I've been through are the most enjoyable part of my day.
Let's put it into perspective: A very close friend of mine KNOWS the one thing that gets my engines racing. This morning, however, he found a loophole which increases the amount of enjoyment I get from his company. This led to much happiness on my part, and an increased sense of power on his. All in all, a very enjoyable time.
So now, the house is quiet, and he is gone. I get to spend my time here with you, and it means a lot, even though you give me the silent treatment. I want to talk to you so badly it makes my heart ache sometimes. I want to know what you have to say. I want to hear of you have any advice or words of wisdom. I'll even take a request or two.

Since it's an hour past my official bedtime, I'm going to sneak around facebook, say goodnight to a few people, and go Netflix or meditate until I'm drowsy and relaxed enough to rest. - M

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