Saturday, April 6, 2013

Part blog post, part nude pic. Always a fan favorite though!

My blog posts aren't about "I'm fat and I'm proud" or filled with incidences of "This person said some horrible thing about me being fat". It just really doesn't happen to me. I think some ghetto heffa tried making a comment about a year ago, and I laughed, handed her my business card and said, "Google me". 

I get more hate on Facebook than I ever get in Real Life, and that's more about being a "whore" than anything else. That also makes me laugh. Those are usually from people (a total of three, lol) that jump to a bunch of conclusions about my life. They never met me, they mean nothing to me, so they don't really mean all that much to me.

People that know me on Facebook (and like me) have called me other things. I'm not sure they're always right, but maybe they see me better than I see myself. People that know me in Real Life always seem to comment on the way being around me makes them feel. The consensus seems to be relaxed, even mildly intoxicated. Definitely at ease. Those comments mean the most to me, because I've reached them and set them at a vibration level (much lower, and more powerful) than they usually move to.

So, I blog. I enjoy it. I want you to know me the way my Real Life people do. I'm sexual and sensual and funny. I have a brain. I'm great at spatial relations. I love many things from Quantum Physics to black jellybeans. I love Digital Photomanipulation and I'm teaching myself that. I like the science in baking cupcakes and the fun in Social Psychology. I can be a blessing and a curse, but ultimately a very good person to know. Feel free to join me anytime. - MDG

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