As i was writing earlier, a new character came to visit.
It was wonderful. I love when I get surprised by what goes on inside my head. 
As someone was borrowing my laptop at the time, I wrote down what came to me.
Taken from
Demons take human form to rape or seduce human women. Half-demons are always human in appearance.
Half-demons inherit the main power of their fathers. Elemental control, teleportation, telekinesis and telepathy are common, as are enhancements of regular human abilities, such as strength, sight and hearing. This power manifests itself sometime between the ages of twelve and twenty, though you may see precursors of it earlier than that, around ten.
Able to produce fire via physical contact. Levels increase the degree of heat produced. Emotional duress can unwittingly cause shows of power (i.e. fire demons literally have a hot temper!) As the levels increase, powers are cumulative (i.e. an Exustio can produce first, second OR third degree burns).
Can cause first degree burns, may be able to produce sparksAduro Can cause second degree burns, can ignite flammable materialExustio Can cause third degree burns, can incinerate objects
Known Fire DemonsEdit Adam Vasic (Exustio) Rachelle Rodgers (Exustio) Tempestras EditCan control wind, rain or, if well-developed, lightning, from existing weather conditions. They can also do small, practical things such as deflecting rain from windshields or from their bodies.
Known TempestrasEdit Robert Vasic Troy Morgan
Gelo EditAble to produce ice/cold via physical contact. With concentration, a Gelo can freeze a puddle from ten feet away, but they cannot turn rain into hail, or shoot icicles from their fingertips.
Known Gelos
Luther Ross Telekinetic EditAble to displace/move objects without contact or other physical means. Levels increase range, object size and displacement distance. Telekinetic demons have a 'tell' something they do before moving an object (e.g.. Leah made a fist). Power decreases as temper/frustration rises (i.e. lose concentration). Displacement distance and force decreases with size/weight of object. (e.g.. Leah can shift a car only inches, but can hurl a book across a room with enough force to cause injury)
Migro range: within sight object size: small (approx 10 lb max) displacement distance: minimal (less than 6 inches)Agito range: within sight object size: not larger/heavier than self displacement distance: approx max 10 feetVolo range: approx 50 yards (if not in sight, must be able to picture object and its placement) object size: pretty much anything not nailed down displacement distance: approx. max 20 feetKnown Telekinetic DemonsEdit Leah O'Donnell (Volo) Liz Delaney (Volo) Dr. Davidoff (Agito) Jesse Aanes Royce Banks (Volo) Teleportation EditAble to displace/move self instantaneously. Levels increase target range, direction and displacement distance.
Tripudiotarget range: within sightdirection: horizontal onlydisplacement distance: approx max 12 inches, would appear as a quick move, not teleportationEvanidustarget range: anywhere within displacement distancedirection: horizontal onlydisplacement distance: approx max 10 feetAbeotarget range: anywhere within displacement distancedirection: horizontal and vertical (i.e. could teleport to second floor or basement when possible)displacement distance: approx. max 50 feet
Known Teleportation DemonsEdit Xavier Reese (Evanidus) Tommy (Evanidus) - Mentioned In "Bargain" Mina Lee (Unknown) Ferratus (Iron) EditNot one of the more common half-demons. Ferratus. Iron-plated. A one-trick half-demon, but that one trick was a doozy. When a Ferratus half-demon invoked his power, his skin became as hard as iron.Abilities:
Can turn their skin as hard as iron.Weaknesses:
Is a "one-trick" supernaturalKnown Ferratus DemonsEdit Griffin Sorenson Expisco (Chaos) EditOne of the most rare half demons. Children of the demon Lucifer. Chaos demons do not get the powers and abilities, like other half demons inherit. But instead get the demon sensors. Chaos demons can sense chaos. For example, if a person thinks about their plan to murder someone, the chaos demon will hear or perhaps even see it. However, if it is just wishful thinking they probably will not sense anything. They can also usually tell what kind of supernatural others are.
Chaos demons crave and need chaos.
Known Chaos DemonsEdit Hope Adams Nita Elena Adams Marsten Vision EditEnhanced visual abilities. Levels increase the number of powers rather than range or acuity, and are cumulative (i.e. an Aspicio also has the powers of an Acies and a Conspicio). Powers are not a permanent enhancement, but must be invoked and require full concentration to maintain.
Acies enhanced visual range (can see distant objects more clearly) Conspicio can induce temporary blindness Aspicio can see through solid objects (produces a small window of 'x-ray vision')
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