Yeah, ok... but you have to know the story first.
I wasn't expecting too much, but I gave it a shot anyway. I needed to see what this person was like up close. So sitting at the dining room table, and putting him in the big chair, we talked. Turns out he had more brains than I gave him credit for. He was honest with his answers and respectful of my home. I love a street kid that knows how to act indoors. I'm one of those.
He told me about his life, and I told him about mine. I decided to take some pictures of him to show him what I do (to get pictures of him for later peeping, lol). I had him come sit next to me so we could work on them together. We scrolled Google Images looking for ideas when we came across a picture of an old woman looking out a window.
"That's my friend's mom," he said. Scrolling down, I saw a picture of the same window, this time with a small girl in front of it. She had an oxygen tube under her nose. I clicked it. There unfolded a story of how they had to live with mold and mildew. They cleaned it time and again, and had a company come in to remove it. Still it grew, and the child in the picture, already having breathing troubles, was beginning to get worse.
We read the story together. He had not known of the problems in his friend's house. If any of you know me, you'll have to know that now I was invested in this. I hate to see someone suffer, and this family had worries 'plenty. He didn't take this lightly either. Though I could see it was still on his mind, he tried to bring himself back to the conversation. He did, thank the Goddess. It was a problem to be handled later, and by him if necessary. I thought about what actions he might take, and dismissed it.
"You never know about what really goes on with people sometimes," I offered. "I'm glad we saw that together."
After he went home, I took the pictures of him and did some editing. Different styles, different forms. Then I put them together in a music video slideshow, burned all of it to disk and printed one of the edits as a cover for the CD.
That's how I do things for people I like 
He said his goodbyes to my house, and I walked him to the elevator. I do this so I can tell people that I had a great time, invite them back. Sometimes, I do it so I can steal a kiss or two, or one hug more. I asked if I could kiss him, and he let me, kissing back as a gentleman should. It was when I found his tongue that I was intrigued.
It was big and thick and I began to wonder some damn dirty things.
How it would feel inside me, against me. Whether he was good with it, and most importantly... if it was that size, what did his dick look like?
Hot damn, my mind began to race thinking of all the dark possibilities. How soon could I get him between my legs to taste me? How best to calmly get him to show me what I wanted to see. I invited him to my home today and told him what I had planned. "The mission, should you choose to accept it: I plan on giving you several uncomfortable hard-ons while not touching you." He liked the sound of this. I think at that time I may decide to jump in a cab and go shopping. Let's see what he says. He can ride with me or say he has other things to do. I think I wanna play a game today. Get some money from my rich boyfriend and take security with me while I shop. He can be the security detail, but can I seduce him in public to the point where I can see his hunger in his eyes.
You might say it's bad, a shame to tease someone that way. I say it's foreplay because I do plan on finding out what that cock really looks like. He'd probably show me for the asking of it, but I'd like to see it hard and straining to get free from his pants while we're in a public place. I want him ready, damn near dripping with anticipation. I want the flush of red across the back of his neck, to watch his ears change color. I want him looking away to regain his composure, then his eyes coming back to rest on my breasts, or my face. If he's lucky, it'll be my tits he stares at, because I'll be looking him right in the eyes, the tip of my tongue licking my top lip in the smallest way. And then when he has had time to realize what message I just sent him, I look down shyly biting my lower lip.
The bags will have to be on the far side of the backseat, so I can sit close to him. Damn near in his lap, I want him to be able to smell my perfume, Passion (aptly named I think) and be able to bury his nose in my hair if he wished. The side of my neck will be exposed to him, the call of submission to the wolf in all men. If he doesn't take the hint, I'll ask him to massage me there. His hands finally touching bare skin, the feel of my pulse, the curve of my shoulder and just a bit toward the back. It's where I love to be carressed and kissed. If he still doesn't get the hint, and you'd have to be dense as steel or made from it not to react, I'll ask him to kiss me there.
At some point today, I want to be sitting in his lap, just to see if he gets hard under me. I know it strains the parameters of the rule of my not touching him, but I think he may forgive me this time. I want him rock ready, and firm against my soft plush ass. Being naughty, he can release himself and let me back down on him. He'll find my g-string then and I know there's a delicious, delightful, should I or shouldn't I moment, the moment when he thinks, leave it or slide it a bit to the side with a finger so I can be properly against her? Depending on his actions then, I'll know if we have to race home or not.
If he leaves it in place, he's enjoying the game and understands the rules. Play on. If he slides it to the side, then I sit on him fully while the cab driver takes us home. Every bump in the road a test and torture for us. If the cab driver understands what we're doing, he might just play along taking the bumpiest roads and the longest way, just so he can continue to hear me sighing and moaning softly in the back seat.
Getting back from our trip, the boyfriend will be there waiting to see me coming in with shopping bags. Asking how my trip went, I say "FIne," and go into the other room to put my new things away.
"How did it go," he'll ask my new hottness. "Did she give you any trouble?"
He's too much a gentleman to say so, but knowing me so well, my boyfriend continues. "She likes to fuck with the Security boys, so I'll ask you again. Did she give you any trouble?"
Whether the answer is no, and he keeps a secret well, or spills and rats me out with, "Um, she showed a lot of cleavage", is up for grabs at this point. Hell, what would YOU say if you were asked the very same question? Would you keep our secret, or would you tell all the details? Would you mention that I was wearing a purple g-string? Would you expose me yet again to this man?
"Morgana," he'll call me, and I'll come to the living room.
"Yes dear?"
"Were you teasing the Security boys again?"
"I never tease them, dear."
"Not once. I only showed them what they could have if they ever had the balls to take it." After a pause, I'll add, "Like YOU did, dear. Remember, you were once Security too."
He'll turn to this poor man and say,"Tell me sh'e not wearing the purple G-string? She gets REALLY BAD when she wears that one." Whether he's noticed or not before, it's going to be evident now when I'm told to bend over the arm of the chair and show him what I'm wearing. Sure enough, laid in place just so, my secrets told.
"Dammit, Morgana." He'll smile and look at my round white ass exposed for them both to see. "I told you what would happen if you did it again."
I'll pout then and say, "You said you wouldn't use the belt again this week."
The man that loves me beyond all others will say, "Nope, open hand this time since you didn't actually fuck him. Now grab the arm of the chair."
What my security detail does at this point, I won't say. This is where it gets interesting and even I'm not sure how the story ends
a) "Don't hit her."
b) OH GOD why am i not taping this?
c) Dead shock
If it's a) He'll put his hand down and tell me to suck this poor man's dick before it explodes - and if it happens to explode while I'm sucking it, to take every drop he gives me.
If it's b) He will tell the Security Boy to spank me himself. "Not too hard, but enough so she starts to feel it."
It it's c) He'll make the guy a drink and THEN make me suck his dick to help him recover.
I think either way, I'm going to have a pretty interesting afternoon.