Sunday, March 17, 2013

Electronic Nightmare

(For D.M.)

Shared by over eighty-nine million, this technological miracle is a sham. Glitz and glam. Nothing here is real, though it may seem so. Smoke and mirrors in a side show. What makes you any more real than I? We sit under the same virtual sky and share ethereal Ethernet as we share the same wireless air. What's the harm in a digital farm? Popping bubbles like it's your calling, but your humanity is falling. Trolling, Lol'ing, wall scrolling. A post every so often to show you're alive? It's all the same old jive.

We're all in the same forest screaming for an ear, but no one can hear. Center of your universe, you stand alone while kilobytes stream through the phone. You in your world, I in mine. Have some wine? Feeling fine? Take a picture and upload. Watch the left side, blue boxes seem to explode. Less is more, sexuality sells. You can tell how well by the inbox bells. Across the world their opinions and their chatter only seem to matter. Do they beg you to come to their nation using any manner of explanation of how you'll be treated? They stand defeated.

Still, in over eighty-nine million can one voice be heard? Can a cry for help consist of a single word? If you cry, will others feel your pain, or will the song remain the same? Will there be another soul to share a goal, or a dream? Is this an empty world? Will they hear your scream in the internet space, or is it all just a barren place? Infinite in design, malicious and benign. Trust that you can be heard, though they might think you absurd. Inane, insane, but do you remember the NAME at the end of the day? Have you heard what I had to say to the masses today?

Electronic nightmare, the sound of a digital scream as it pours from the speakers of the fax machine. Words, once placed can be deleted, but in my mind I'd be defeated. What I say is my own truth and belief, please do 'unfriend' me if it gives you grief. Know this, I send a kiss, and before I'm remiss I will tell you this. If you have a story, tell it. If you have a product, sell it. Like a well placed scratch to an itch, make this electronic nightmare your bitch. Trolls do not exist if you choose not to believe. Liars die if you don't let them deceive.

You in your world, I in mine.
Let's shine.

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