Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Be respectful to each other, but love ME."

man, I just NEEDED to watch The Proud Family right now and I don't have a LINK (and I don't WANNA torrent... at least until I get ALL 8 harry potter movies done
story of my MOTHER FUCKIN' life
sorry love
You know what? I think you and I just need to webcam sometime. Fuck this video. You will LOVE me on webcam.
Sounds good
so, i think the Video will be the best done, because I'm not FAKING you in the room. You will actually BE in the room.
Best videos I make is when I make them WITH people
thats what I being natural
failing having you actually here - and considering what the video is worth, is sooooo gawdamn WORTH the price of a ticket to NY
I am fucking AMAZING
Live and in PERSON
i know u are
Even my perfume has made guys ask me, "What is that perfume you are wearing?" Thugs ask me this in the street.
I tell them. "Passion," I say to them, looking them in the yes. "And it's definitely WORTH every penny."
THEN i wink at them, and catch up to my BIG BLACK BOYFRIEND.
I love a sweet smelling woman
who's waiting for me about 7 steps away to give me privacy to talk to this man.
but close enough to KILL A NBIGGER IF HE FUCKS WITH ME, lol
Ike is the sweetest guy you ever wanna meet, but when it comes to ME, i'll cut a motherfucker
LOL, he goes crazy.
i dont blame him
but i had to tell him, Baby, it's what I DO. The yound ones HAVE to com e to advice from somebody. i want that shit to be ME
so he gives me my space to misinster and ADminster my wisdom and healing upon people
even if they hve to stay for the weekend.
I'm a Wiccan, a Witch and a HEALER, after all.
you are adorable I guess and wise
very, I've lived lifetimes.
I'm not just being a flake "witch". I'm real, I'm BLESSED and I love the GODDESS every day for giving me my life.
I feel you
Well I guess I should get to bed.
When I was a Christian, (2007-2008) i TRIED SO HARD TO BELIEVE. I loved the idea of jesus, because he was a teacher. He's a Witch himself. He was a healer.
LOL, don't run now
i'll just keep talking
I know love but I want to watch one more video and get to bed. gotta get up early
Jesus believed that all his power came to him through the FATHER. I believe (i'm GOING to keep talking) the same thing, but i believe ALL our power comes from the ONE
they just like the MALE version of the story
of course they do, they're the BOYS
WOMAN has our OWN version of that story. Both sides are equal, but we're forbidden to tell it.
everytime we do, they start KILLING us
fine....I will watch my video while u keep talking lol
This is important, so.... bye

NOW, this is so important, and HE wasn't getting it (or just wanted to stop hearing me PREACH to the brother about the POWER and the GLORY of the ONE.

It tends to make people uncomfortable when I discuss my religion, 'cause I'm kind of a ZEALOT when it comes to being ME.

"I am the center of my own universe, but merely a speck in yours." - Morgana Darkgoddess

SO, this conversation is going on with YOU, the ones that read me and love me. And I want to hear from you, I want to know if I've touched you. If something I say makes you laugh, tell me... LOL me. I talk to people, and I want to have SOME of you on my upcoming WEB SHOW. If you're interesting, I'll have you on.

"Be respectful to each other, but love ME." - Morgana Darkgoddess.

;* xoxox - M

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I wasn't always me.

I wasn't always Morgana Darkgoddess. I used to be someone else.

I would like to tell the story someday, but it's hard to think where to begin. My first thought would be to tell how the old person died, but it was such a long slow and painful death. Where to start?

My next thought is to tell how Morgana Darkgoddess began. That's kind of a long story too. Years of thought went into the persona I am now. Lots of study and time. I took the best parts of what I had and eventually formed them into one person. Far from perfect, but REAL. I guess that's the only way to survive, just take what you have and re-build. Change the design if needed. Modify and adapt.

The problem I have been having, is where to take this so that I can move on to the next level. I won't begin discussing where it's been drifting to, because as some people will tell you (me included), I like to be original. If people start using my idea too early, it loses itself in the mix. Just know that I think it's kind of interesting, and I think you'll like it too :) But I've had so many ideas, and it seems like there's not enough time. What comes to mind is playing spin the bottle, and I know who I would LIKE to be kissing when it stops. Sadly, fate might have other ideas. What is it lands on the geeky guy over in the corner? Huge glasses, terrible acne... close your eyes and hope for the best... and... oh GAWD can he kiss!! Looks like I got lucky again. So he's not the best looking, but maybe the best part of him is waiting to be re-born as well.

Who am I to judge? I wasn't always Morgana Darkgoddess, you know.

- M.


About as naked as you're gonna get today. :P


Yesterday was an odd day for me.

As I'm watching my Facebook page numbers go up (and I refuse to look at the numbers on my web page) I was wondering, "If my numbers are going up, why aren't I reaching anybody?"

Again, you came through for me. As if on cue, I started getting hit up by all kinds of people. It wasn't the usual "Nice tits" or "I want dat ass". This was ENCOURAGING. People started letting me know that they were out there. Some enjoyed my humor. Hell, I try to keep things light. I figure if it makes ME laugh, that's all that matters. If it makes YOU laugh, then even better. A few of you let me know something wonderful. You let me know that I have helped you change the way you look at YOURSELF. Each time I got one of these messages, you made me cry a little.

Yeah, ok, Morgana's a soft touch.

I do remember a time when I... yes, me... wore sweats and a ponytail every day. NO jewelry or makeup. No perfume. Let me tell you, being a sexy girl is waaaayyyyy more fun. Now don't get me wrong, I can't wear heels so I don't (except for shoots, you GOT me on that one). Underwires and I do not get along. Just two little snips and I RIP those suckers right out. Victoria can KEEP her damn secret, because I don't like the way the items there fit me.


If I can get a bra and panty set for $5 that fits nice, or hot pink lace boy shorts for $3 that make me feel like a rockstar? PRICELESS. Personally, for that price, I don't even care of they get a bit ripped up from rough play. Sometimes, ya get gotta let a man be a MAN, no worries about ripping the frilly stuff when he's on a direct route to Happyville. I get a great bottle of perfume every so often and USE it. You can wear the knock off stuff (and I do, all the time) but there's something about the real stuff that doesn't quite make it to the brand x stuff. Say what you will, I'm a believer.

I have things I wear that were given to me as gifts, and I love them. These aren't expensive, but they're very silky and sexy and make me feel like a Goddess when I wear them. When I get off my fat ass, I'll go looking for the links to some great lingerie pages, support groups, and maybe a few of the places I buy my toys from as well.

Until then, please keep writing and reading and let me know you are OUT there. It means the world to me to hear from you.

xoxox - M.

P.S. I LOVE my minions! :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Secretary/Personal Assistant Wanted:

Daily Duties:
1) Making coffee
2) Transcription of written and audio files.
3) Must type 70 words per minute or be willing to improve.
4) Sexual acts as needed.
5) Running occasional errands.
6) Aiding with minor tasks

Must be:
1) Good with computers and software packages used.
2) Physically able to do the job as required.
3) Intelligent enough to understand what I say the first time. Second chances are a mark against you.
4) Funny, but also able to be serious when it's called for.
5) Respectful, neat in appearance and organized.

You must provide your own meals, transportation to and from the job, and other items. Although I will occasionally share or treat you to something, this is not something we provide constantly. Bonuses will be given on holidays, or by earning them through good work.

I work daily, usually a bit drunk and very horny. You must not be offended by seeing sexual acts, naked people, slightly less than legal activity, card playing, on-the-job drinking and cursing/swearing. You may be asked to work in your underwear during celebrations. Enthusiasm for the work is a plus, since we believe in keeping morale very high in the workplace.

This is not a paying job, but there are perks that you may consider.

1) Seeing Morgana Darkgoddess in various forms of dress and undress. I spend quite a bit of time naked.
2) See Daily Duty #4
3) Having a great time while you work.

I also can be used in future as a reference on your resume under my business name. As a training program, it can't be beat. Apply by e-mailing us at with Secretary Position in the subject header.

Thank you for your time.


M. Darkgoddess
President of Darkgoddess Designs

A NEW direction

Thursday, March 21, 2013

She loved him

"Bae, we GOT this. We're gonna be just fine." He looked at her, his doubts and worries starting to fade already. "Don't MAKE me say Jehovah Jireh," she laughed. "Damn phone will ring." He laughed at that, and his smile was her reward. "I'll be standing there saying, 'Shit, I didn't think people actually WON the sweepstakes!'". She hugged him and snuggled into his chest. As long as she had him, her world was lovely. He tended to forget that at times, and she considered it her job to help him remember.

My Jar Theory

You get a big jar, and fill it 3/4 of the way with 1 inch ball bearings. Then take one pound of sand, your choice of color, 'cause I'm easy like that, and pour it on top of the ball bearings. Much of the sand may remain on the top.

Now, start to shake the jar gently, and watch the sand fall around the bearings. All the sand flows downward. Some of it finds it's way quickly. Other grains of sand get there later. Some grains of sand never reach the bottom at all.

Those grains may get caught in a scratch in one of the bearings. It may stick to a bearing because of moisture, static electricity, any number of reasons. As the jar shakes and vibrates, so do the bearings, and so does the sand.

This is how I perceive life.

The sand, (us) all start from the same place. We have obstacles (ball bearings) to get around, they change our path. We would normally fall straight downward, non-stop if it weren't for the obstacles. Not all obstacles are horrible things. They're changes in our direction. Sometimes we can choose how to navigate our way through them, sometimes we are knocked to the side. No matter what direction we go, we are still moving downward (forward) through the jar (life).

Again, not all grains make it to the bottom. This is normal. We never really leave anywhere or anything with 100% of ourselves intact. There is always something left behind. A carbon footprint, someone we loved, someone that loved us. We leave traces and marks behind us like the faint trail of sand that can be followed back toward the top of the jar.

To me, this trail is time. We can never go and get it back. It has left us forever.

So, as we get to the bottom of the jar, there may be an imperceptible change in the amount of sand (from top to bottom) and we'd need exact counts and measures to really add that up, but why try? Each time we do this experiment, factors change. Is it a humid day? Is it the same type of sand. Temperature, how hard the jar is vibrated each time, and any amount of other factors can change this experiment. But it's basically the same result each time.

The sand, moving through the bearings to the bottom of the jar is life. Trace amounts left behind is time. We can elaborate on all this another time, to show what movement actually is and how I feel about that subject.

(more to come)


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Video: A quick hi to you guys

Awww, come on, man.


Get with the program, pal. LMAO

I LOVE what I do.

I LOVE what I do, most of the time. I love having my time free to take pictures on a whim. I love being able to digitally edit my pictures, because I love creating art. Am I art? I'm a model of my own art, I guess. Every picture a self-portrait, every blog post a little confession. I want you to know me better. Hell, I want you to love me if you like. Even better. Anybody that loves me, in my opinion, is a person that has great taste.


Do I take nudes? Oh hell yes, but I don't show them to just anybody. You have to be pretty damn special to get those pictures. For now, I'll share this with you: An original unedited, #nofilter pic of your Darkgoddess.

xoxox - M

Monday night

Sex VS Soul

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Electronic Nightmare

(For D.M.)

Shared by over eighty-nine million, this technological miracle is a sham. Glitz and glam. Nothing here is real, though it may seem so. Smoke and mirrors in a side show. What makes you any more real than I? We sit under the same virtual sky and share ethereal Ethernet as we share the same wireless air. What's the harm in a digital farm? Popping bubbles like it's your calling, but your humanity is falling. Trolling, Lol'ing, wall scrolling. A post every so often to show you're alive? It's all the same old jive.

We're all in the same forest screaming for an ear, but no one can hear. Center of your universe, you stand alone while kilobytes stream through the phone. You in your world, I in mine. Have some wine? Feeling fine? Take a picture and upload. Watch the left side, blue boxes seem to explode. Less is more, sexuality sells. You can tell how well by the inbox bells. Across the world their opinions and their chatter only seem to matter. Do they beg you to come to their nation using any manner of explanation of how you'll be treated? They stand defeated.

Still, in over eighty-nine million can one voice be heard? Can a cry for help consist of a single word? If you cry, will others feel your pain, or will the song remain the same? Will there be another soul to share a goal, or a dream? Is this an empty world? Will they hear your scream in the internet space, or is it all just a barren place? Infinite in design, malicious and benign. Trust that you can be heard, though they might think you absurd. Inane, insane, but do you remember the NAME at the end of the day? Have you heard what I had to say to the masses today?

Electronic nightmare, the sound of a digital scream as it pours from the speakers of the fax machine. Words, once placed can be deleted, but in my mind I'd be defeated. What I say is my own truth and belief, please do 'unfriend' me if it gives you grief. Know this, I send a kiss, and before I'm remiss I will tell you this. If you have a story, tell it. If you have a product, sell it. Like a well placed scratch to an itch, make this electronic nightmare your bitch. Trolls do not exist if you choose not to believe. Liars die if you don't let them deceive.

You in your world, I in mine.
Let's shine.

Carbon Copies

I'm a digital original, a Master. The innovation of a nation. The brain behind the name, and the player of the game. You're a xerox, a carbon copy, smudged and spotted. White-out dotted. Tear-stain blotted. I have the better weapons in this war. I shoot to kill while you wonder what you're fighting for. This isn't a job, it's my being. You're blind, I'm all seeing. Your energy is repressed, mine is Freeing. Your level is far below me, think you can try to snow me, but you're a bore. I've seen your type before, you're a snore. Out the fucking door. I'm the center, a mentor, a rhetorical oracle. My words are lyrical, satirical and spherical. I go back to the beginning, you're still in the first inning. You try to test and stress but my spirit and soul are BLESSED. You can be a princess or a queen, but your lies are seen. I was a GODDESS before it was cool. You just act the Facebook fool. I'm a mystic and healer, you're a concept stealer. You don't wanna miss how I got this, sis.  In the end, it's MY NAME on the lips. On their minds it's MY HIPS. I'm neurological, psychological and ethereal.  You're as bland as baby cereal, but I digress again, like I do cause when it comes to you... I'm through.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dancing Lessons

I don't know why people generalize and say men don't have feelings like women do. I've had more men crying on my shoulder than any female should. Not all of them have come to tears, but some have. I don't think less of them for it, if it's for a good enough reason in my book.  I understand pain, I understand suffering as well. What bothers me is when they bitch and complain and whine about how their lives are so bad. How no one understands them. How they wish they could find a good woman.

Here's the answer to that, so listen: Take a step back.

Look at your life from an outsider's point of view. Clarify what it is that you want in this life. Then work toward that goal. Who am I to give advice when I've lost everything I've loved? Why should you listen to someone who has failed time and again?

'Cause I've been there.

I can help you if you are willing to help yourself. Those that are placed in my life are there for a reason. I feel it's either to help you, or to help me, and hopefully, it's to help each other. I don't ask for much, but I will ask for something. Usually it's what you have plenty of, or can get for free. It might be your time. It could be your loyalty. Sometimes, it's sex. I'll admit that. Sure, I like having a man that knows what he's doing between my legs, and I like having one there often. I don't use people, I utilize them.

You may not know what your talents are. You may not have been able to open your mind to what your dream really is. Sometimes people hide this information from themselves. I have the ability to listen to what a person says, whether it's words, body language, or the way their eyes shift when I say something. I enjoy the company of interesting people, and if I can, I help them.

I'm not a rich woman, but I am Blessed. I am not perfect, but I am Gifted. I may not be able to solve all your problems, but I can be there while you work them out for yourself. You may not understand my way of life, or how I think, but I do expect respect at all times.

And... I can hear those people saying now, "How can you want respect when you're clearly nothing more than a whore? An insane bitch, that takes pictures of herself doing unspeakable things?"

And, here is the answer to that: I am real.

I know who I am, and I know what I do. I know how to do it well. There's two things in this world I'm good at, business and sex. I try to put them together as often as possible. It's like chocolate and peanut butter to me. Both are great, together - they're amazing. I make no apologies for being good at what I do. I have no regrets except that I should have done this years before I started. The only thing that held me back was not realizing the power that lay dormant inside me for so long.

So, my dears, my darling ones, listen to me when I say, there are lessons to be learned in this life. Take a minute. Take a year if you have to, but if you are seriously unhappy in your life, there's a reason. Find the reason, and change your reaction to it. Change the outcome. Fate and destiny are strange things, changeable  fluid. If you are on the wrong path, sometimes the solution is a major leap to the side, or just a simple shift in balance.

Sometimes it resembles a dance. A shift, a step. Forward and back. Side to side. A movement, sometimes shifting the center of balance outside yourself. Ask any good dancer what I mean and expect a lesson in the dynamics of the art.

The question is, Would you like to dance with me?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

King of Wands

I don't have a tarot deck anymore. I had one, and it was wonderful  i bought the cards in a local botanica, but the box was a gift from my husband. It fit the cards perfectly and was made of pine with a cedar inlay. Oh how lovely the cards would smell when I took them out of the box, bent and creased, faded edges and dog eared and infused with the scent of the earth.

We had an emergency, and we had to move. On quickly packing, my deck was thrown in with my tools, chalice, cauldron, athame, etc etc..... when i finally got to unpack that bag, 6 month later, i was sorting out the contents, putting the cards that had spilled from the box into a pile in my hand. I reached to pick one out of the pile, and something shifted. I wiggled the card again, and focused. The athame was moving. I carefully picked things away and discovered the tip of the athame through the King of Wands card.

Time passes... and I lose him. Only of the only people I've ever loved, and it was foretold in the cards. - M

A song for Mr. Admin

(gentle Joe Cocker-esque intro)

This is a song for Mr. Admin (strumming...) and how I fell in love with him one rainy saturday afternoon on facebook

(stops playing and looks dead into the camera) I DID, you know. and this is the story.... (begins playing)

(stops playing... pulls out an accordion) This is more ' an Irish Jig, methinks....

"When I was just a piddlin' bae upon me daddy's knee...

he smoked a pipe and sang me songs and said these words to me...

don't e'er love an ADMIN, lass, he'll tear yer 'eart in two

but i went and did it anyway... so now I say to you...

Don't ever love an ADMIN, lass, he'll kindly break yer heart

the love affair is o'er lass before it had a start

but ADMINS love as ADMINS do, and none can love more fine

so I'll always pick an ADMIN boy to break this heart 'o mine
Man, being me is a full time job, lol. :) Wish me well, loves.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Porn. To screw, or not to screw?

Porn, porn, who does the porn? Not me, says the cat. Not me, says the fox. Not ME says the crow. 

Read on, but be warned. It gets a bit STICKY down there.

Do I do porn? SURE! Hell yeah! Yeehhhaaaaa and all that. Do I sell it to people? Nope. I GIVE that stuff away for free BUT only to the people that were in the pictures and videos WITH ME. Sometimes I'll trade, but your porn has to be equal or greater in value. Wanna be IN a porno with me? Come on over, but that doesn't mean you're the co-star. Sometimes it means you're the cameraman, or the fluffer, or the prop guy! We also do things BY THE BOOK if you must know. Do I consider myself a FACEBOOK MODEL? Oh hell no... GODDESS BLESS, I'm wayyyyyy more than that. If that's your claim to fame, go and be happy.

Ohhhhhh and BTW, for those that would cast stones... remember, i've seen a LOT of your naked nipples, ass in the camera pictures and NEVER condemned YOU. So rock on, sistahs and BE HAPPY. LIFE IS TOO DAMN SHORT!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My Life: Limited memberships available

People that only know me from Facebook don't really have an understanding of me. That's cool though :) I'm kind of insane, lol. People that meet me in person FROM facebook... I wonder what they ACTUALLY think of me. Do they smile in my face while thinking, 
"Back away.... slowly."
Or they they realize I'm INSANE (and tonight, kind of a friggin NYMPHO, lol... The Dragon has BEEN SLAIN) and still wanting more. I'm happy and got a little Motherwort in my system, Mexican Tarragon, Wild Lettuce with a hint of California Poppy. A tough of the Green Goddess and ready to fly away with you.

I FUCKING LOVE MY JOB ♥ :* BTW, except when I miss my major loves that I can ONLY see on FACEBOOK. One of them ONLY signas into facebook to see if I'm here. HOLY CRAP! HOW BLESSED AM I???

Digressing as usual, LMAO. I'd blame the poppy but it's the poppy rooting me to the planet right now. There are my ESPECIALLLL LOVES on here, and I adore you. Yes, there's more than 1 of them, but I love you all PRETTY MUCH EQUALLY, lol.

The one that buys me LINGERIE, now I REALLLLLLY love him. Not because he buys me stuff, but because he truly LOVES me. We talk about European Politics and about literature, about love and sex and human nature. I light up when I see his green light come on, but it KILLS me when I see him commenting on other women's pictures, LMAO. I get so JEALOUS, but then I remember, he loves ME above all, and he tells me EVERY DAY.

I look over now at one of the friends from FACEBOOK that became REAL. He's sitting on my couch smoking one of MY cigarettes, watching MY NETFLIX and texting on his fucking phone like he OWNS the joint. The fact that he feels that comfortable here is a blessing to me. (Yes, it's 4am, and he's been here since dinner, but I think it's kind of awesome that he doesn't play the I GOTTA BE SOMEWHERE bullshit with me.) Do we fuck? MAYBE... LOL. I'm not gonna lie and say no, but I'm not gonna tell the truth and say yes either. No, I haven't fucked him, but the thought HAS crossed my mind, LOL. He's fucked me and I've fucked him, but SEX itself is never an issue. I have much in common with him, including a walk or two in the dark. (I just asked him a personal question and sure enough he was honest enough to answer. I REALLY LIKE that about him.)

There's ONE friend I know BEFORE Facebook. Now this guy is a hard working, upright guy, and I know exactly what he needs to get through his week. Sometimes it takes 2-3 weeks, and I can see him getting agitated. He needs a RELEASE. He needs to feel CONTROL over some aspect of his crazy life. He needs to be LISTENED to. Above all, he needs a SECRET to carry in his heart, because even the good guys have a little bit of the mercenary in them. That appeals to me, because I was always the BAD INFLUENCE.

And now, for a little break, because I've lost my focus due to the SONS OF ANARCHY playing on my TV at 4am... so we now return you to your regularly scheduled Facebook. :)